
2019 Vision Board & Party

Hello again, it’s been a minute :-S Life really has a way of catching up to ya and making it hard to come up with content sometimes ya know?….BUT I’ve brainstormed and come up with some exciting new posts for 2019! Last year at this time for the first few months I was on FIRE! Gosh I had so many creative ideas they were flowing out of me like lava LOL, and I was loving being able to share with you all what I was coming up with from the DIY Collage Wall, DIY Calendar Wall, to last years Vision Board, Recipes, and so much more.

After I had Shyla I kinda hit a creative slump, once again only putting my time and energy into the ol’ Gram. It was like my creative meter just was exhausted from learning to take care of three kids, Freddy’s challenging work hours, and a rough patch in our family dynamic for a few months not gonna lie. But anyways I always come back to what good does IG do me when really most of my greatest ideas come into play here on my blog…the REASON I started it all! I get to share so much more here then just pretty pictures and let you inside my mind a bit more which I truly believe is the key to grabbing people’s hearts.

Forgive me I’m ranting….ONTO today’s post! My 2019 VISION BOARD & How you too can make one and THROW A VISION BOARD PARTY 🙂 -(scroll to end)

Ok, so last year I made my first ever vision board and now I’m determined to make one EVERY year because every time I looked at it, it gave me that extra push and encouragement to get SH*T done and going….about half way through the year I redid my wall and took it down and then suddenly that’s when all my posts started slowing down. I SWEAR it was holding me accountable to look at it and I should have never taken it down because I’m such a visual being and the type of person that needs that VISUAL PUSH. Can you relate?

This year I kept some of the same quotes because they are words that I still struggle to live by, and I’ve added some new goals!

If you didn’t already know, one of my most excited things of 2019 is we started a YOUTUBE channel! Gosh I cannot tell you how excited I am for this because I really, REALLY, want to be able to open up with our followers and show them who we are a bit more and share with you guys the things that we love, things we don’t, makeup, Vlogs, family stuff….EVERYTHING. I’m always doing something and thinking…”OMG I have to share this with so and so, or on my IG stories” so I really feel like this new creative journey will be a good outlet for all that.

Also, things that I’m working on….becoming better at Premier Pro (video editing), working on accepting myself and my body a bit more post three babies, working towards a new camera and lens, and starting to work with brands more!

Ok so, How Do I Throw This Party??

  1. Set a date & call your friends! Tell them your throwing a Vision Board party where they can all come up with ideas for their dreams and goals for 2019.
  2. Hit up Target, Walmart, Staples, Amazon…whatever is nearest to you and pick up some cork boards and pins. Amazon has these great ones here and pins here that you can purchase. I recommend buying in bulk and telling your friends to each chip in $10-20 when they arrive.
  3. Hit up thrift stores, used book stores, and other locations that sell old magazines and use any old ones you have lying around the house. Tell your friends to check their house for some too!
  4. Grab some appetizers and snacks at the store, and some WINE to have ready when they arrive.
  5. Have scissors, boards, and everything layed out so when your guests arrive they are excited and inspired.
  6. Let the Party Begin! Everyone goes through magazines and picks out words, pictures, ANYthing that speaks to them and their goals about 2019 and cut them out and start pinning them to their boards. *(I even printed stuff of my computer which you can do too if your not finding what your looking for in magazines).
  7. Have fun! Talk, discuss your dreams. Make sure them phones are put away and have meaningful conversations! Share your inspirations, goals, dreams, and just enjoy each others company.

2019 vision board

Cheers to 2019


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