My Top 5 Tips to preventing stretch marks during pregnancy and the products that ACTUALLY worked!

5 Tips To Preventing Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

I don’t know why, but getting stretch marks was one of my greatest fears about pregnancy….I know it’s sooo vain, I admit it! But seriously, avoiding stretch marks during pregnancy was one thing that I absolutely tried my hardest to take care of. So, to say I had a stretch mark obsession with a cream/balm/oil stash is an understatement. I have purchased, tested, and used more stretch mark products than I can count!

I’ve spent a good chunk of money in order to avoid those so called “tiger stripes,” and my husband would say I was a woman obsessed lol. Poor guy could never touch the baby without a handful of cream afterwards. But, everyone has their own insecurities/ fears of pregnancy, and that’s just part of what makes us all human. That being said, I wanted to share some of my remedies and ideas that I hope will help you if your struggling with the idea of your changing body during this amazing time in your life.

I remember being young and seeing my own mother in swimsuits and seeing the scars on her stomach. I remember asking her, “mama, how did you get those lines on your belly?” and she would reply, “those are all from you!” Being the oldest child, I received full blame for all four children that my parents had for my mother’s stretch marks lol.

So here’s a quick review of the products I used, which ones I liked most and the other tips you
NEED to try:Best Creams for stretch mark prevention during pregancy

Honest Organic Belly Balm:

Honest Organic Belly Balm

At around $15.oo a bottle, this balm I used throughout both of my pregnancies. I probably went through about 4 jars (two jars with both pregnancies). It’s very thick and goes on heavy, but it really helped with the itching. The only thing I didn’t like about it was the smell, but after you use it awhile you barley even notice. I really love all the honest company products and I also alternate between using this balm and their organic body oil throughout the day.

Dr. Hauschka Blackthorn Body Oil:

I saw a review on YouTube for this oil that a woman with twins had used and swore by it. So, I spent the $25.oo for the 2.5 ounces of it and ordered it during my first pregnancy. It has a strong smell to it as well, but it really has some amazing ingredients in it. Sadly, about half way through the bottle, and around 30 weeks, I dropped it on the floor and the bottle shattered, as it is made of glass. I was beside myself considering how much I spent on that little bottle, but I didn’t end up ordering it again for my second pregnancy as I found the other products I used seemed to do the trick. But if your looking for a good product, and don’t mind the price, I would definitely recommend it.

Earth Mama Natural Stretch Oil:

This oil is what I originally started using when I first found out I was pregnant. It actually has a pleasant smell and is also affordable. But honestly researching the effects of other ingredients that play an important role in collagen and skin elasticity, this isn’t one I would use solely. It’s good to relieve itching and as an overall body oil however.

Aubrey Revitalizing Rose Hip Seed Oil:

Revitalizing Therapy Serum Intensive Anttioxidant - Dry Skin Aubrey Organics .33oz (10ml) Liquid

Ok, this is my little magic bottle I swear! I use rosehip oil for EVERYTHING: my face, dry spots, my hair, on sunburn, you name it. I really believe in the benefits of it. As you may know, rosehip oil is a natural source of essential fatty acids omega 3, 6 and 9, as well as vitamin C and E.

Essential Fatty Acids – (Omega 3, 6, and 9): these guys are what helps us build healthy cell membranes. They help by allowing our bodies to retain vital nutrients and water within our cells while thus getting rid of the bad, such as toxins. A large portion of these EFAs come from our diet. Vitamin C helps protect tissue from damage and Vitamin E helps protect cell membranes and DNA from free radicals.

There are so many companies that combine rosehip oil as an ingredient in their products, but just the pure 100% organic, cold pressed oil is the best option.

These are my TOP FIVE tips

and my tried and true methods that I believe greatly contributed to being able to avoid those stretchies:

  • Stay Hydrated:

Make sure your drinking AT LEAST 8-10 cups (or 2 liters) of water a day. It’s soo important to stay hydrated to strengthen and help the skin remain supple when prone to stretching and tears.

  • Dry Skin Brush:

At least 3 times a week, more if you can. There are so many benefits to this one, not only does it help with skin elasticity, it helps get rid of harmful toxins in the body and improves our blood flow and lymphatic circulation. The way in which you skin brush is important so read this article here (or YouTube it), and there are a ton of different skin brushes to choose from but for reference I used this one here.

  • Always Stay Moisturized:

This takes work and remembering. Keep your belly and any area prone to stretch marks moisturized with any of the oils/creams etc. listed (or your own choice) at ALL times. It’s not always easy to remember but if anything make sure immediately after showering or bathing you remember to do this step to lock in moisture.

  • Massage That Belly:

I think this is a step many woman forget. When your applying your oils don’t just slather it on there and go (unless your rushed). Take the time to show that belly some love by slowing massaging it into the skin in a circular motion. According to Dr. Hauschka’s website, to help maintain skins elasticity, “hold oiled skin between your thumb and index finger, pull it upwards slightly in a pinching motion and then release. Repeat five times per skin area.” And if your to tired to do this your self, have the hubby do it, it’s great bonding.

  • Follow A Well Balanced Diet:

Now this one is hard. I mean your pregnant, you want to eat everything in sight most days (after the morning sickness wears off of course). But gaining weight faster than your body can accommodate for is a no brainer that your going to push your skins elasticity to it’s limits. So follow a well-balanced diet, especially with foods that are rich in Vitamin E and C, zinc and silica, which help to form collagen and of course Vitamins B2 (Riboflavin) and B3 (Niacin) which are said to help promote and maintain healthy skin. But…by all means girls, eat that brownie! Or cookie…or ice cream, whatever, just do so in moderation.

Your ultimate goal is trying to ensure that your skin retains it’s maximum elasticity throughout your pregnancy. By no means should this post make those who got stretch marks during pregnancy feel degraded in anyway. These are just the steps and products I used to avoid stretch marks through THREE pregnancies! Every woman who experiences child birth is amazing, and the process is beautiful. They are your strips and you should wear them proudly! After all, they helped make room for the best gift or gifts you’ll ever receive 🙂

If you found  this post helpful please give it a share and be sure to check out my other post:

Top 10 Baby Products

*JAN 10th 2019 – UPDATE I’ve created a YouTube channel and have posted a VIDEO with our TOP TEN BABY PRODUCTS YOU NEED TO TRY

If your a YouTube fan!




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  1. It looks easy and useful tips which would be really helpful to reduce stretch marks. I would like to share this article with my sister and I hope she will found it helpful to get rid of stretch marks. Thanks for sharing.