vision board, blogger, whats your dream

Vision Board

The wise old Abraham Lincoln once said,

“The best way to predict your future, is to create it.”

You probably have heard of a vision board and maybe thought, “hey that’s a good idea,” but never really took the time to make one. Ellen DeGeneres, The Queen B (Beyoncé), and heck even Oprah herself have talked about the value of a vision board for them. Whether your a visual, kinesthetic, auditory, or reading/writing learner, creating a vision board can help you hone in on what outcomes you would like to see for yourself whether short term or long term and to continue to aim for them.


I’m really big on the power of the mind-body connection that ties into the idea that what we think and feel, whether negative or positive, is then brought forth by the universe and creates or provides for you that which your thoughts are focused on; the law of attraction.

My family is very centered around faith, and there are considered fine lines with the spiritual world and our religious beliefs. However, as I grow and mature as an individual through my own life experiences, this is just a concept that really resonates with me.

Once you really sit down and think about it, you can see the reality of how this may hold some truth in your own thought processes. I started noticing this while working in customer service as a bank teller years ago. The energy put off by customers really had a way of affecting my mood. For instance, if a customer would come in and right off the bat was rude and degrading, I really would take it to heart and carry that over into my next interaction. I would then feel belittled or angry and already be on guard towards the next person, even if the next customer was friendly and conversational.

So many of us are affected by outside energy forces around us and that can be most true when it comes to interactions with other people. But, if we could only learn to overpower those negative situations and continually replace them with positive ones, we can then continue to manifest those positive feelings and emotions into other areas of our lives. What better way to start the new year off by making a vision board for yourself.

To make my board, I broke my visions down into 5 categories:

  1. Self
  2. Health
  3. Wealth
  4. Overall Well-Being
  5. Love & Relationships

I actually had a lot of fun making my board and love the fact that no one board will be the same for anyone. For reference I used old magazines and went the old fashioned way of printing off pictures I wanted, cutting them out, and then pinning them to my board 🙂 I left a lot of space on mine to add inspiration as I see it, but it’s all up to your liking.

Linked below are some supplies for less than $10 bucks all together if you have Amazon Prime. Be sure to change up the board to be the size you would like according to the visions you have.

Shop For Your Vision Board Here

Side Note: I was looking at a few different ways to make my vision board and for those of you who are computer savvy or just don’t want to spend the time cutting out/printing and pinning to an actual board, you can make a digial one with Youtuber, Whitney Whites - Make a Digital Vision Board With Me! Step By Step Instructions.

Do you believe in the power of vision boards?


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