baby girl, splash pad fun

Life Updates

This summer is going by so fast and I feel as though I haven’t documented enough of it. Do you ever just have so many things/projects you want to do but find yourself buried in chips and dip watching a Netflix movie on your couch only for it to end and think, “umm, I’ve done nothing productive today.” No, just me? Lol jk, but for real this happens far more than I would like, not sayin I don’t enjoy it but I always feel as though there is so much more I should be doing and wasting time watching movies, or scrolling through insta or facebook just takes away from it. Will that detour me from doing those things? Probably not, but I still want to find a better balance and enjoy moments such as these with my girls. Just enjoy watching them explore the world and all the meticulous and fun things in it. Seeing them happy is seriously the best thing and I really enjoy finding fun activities to put smiles on their face.

A couple of things happening in our lives lately:

  1. We have been waiting on word on whether or not we would be staying in Arizona once Freddy finished up his schooling for recruiting and it has been stressful on us not knowing whether or not we will need to sell our new home, rent it out or be able to stay here and raise the girls around family. Today we got word that we will be staying in AZ as he will be stationed here and we both sighed a breath of relief and thanked God for letting us stay here longer. However, we just aren’t quite sure were in AZ that will be at yet.
  2. I’m in the market for a new camera and feel so ready to upgrade! I got into photography not soon after Shae was born and for Christmas two years ago Freddy got me my first camera kit with the Canon Rebel T5 which has been an excellent beginner camera but I feel I’ve mastered it and am ready to step my game up. I have been dappling with the idea of starting a little photography work on the side as I really love capturing moments. Videos are something I want to get into more.
  3. Siena is getting her first two teeth on the bottom! At 13 months, I’m gonna miss that gummy smile.
  4. Shae has been doing speech therapy and is getting so good at her words. For some reason she was just not much of a talker and struggled pronouncing words so seeing her progress after we got her into therapy is so amazing! Her favorite thing to say as of late…”no.”(Go figure!)
  5. I finished school in June and received my degree in Complementary and Alternative Health but am struggling with the idea of leaving the girls just yet to start working. Being with them is definitely a full time job and the most rewarding job I know I’ll ever have, so I’m struggling with what to do. I know it will come to me and work out but it’s still worrisome.
  6. PODCASTS! It’s all I’ve been listening to lately. The Dave Ramsey Show, How I Built This, Medical Medium, and the Minimalists Podcasts are my go to right now.
  7. Trying to figure out how we can landscape our backyard on a tight and I mean TIGHT budget! So if anyone has any cheap suggestions, do share! lol.
  8. My younger brother is coming to visit us this week and I am sooo excited! We are very close and having him around is such a big help.


Siena’s : Shoes | Shae’s: Shoes

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