Sweater Weather!

Hello readers! It’s been about a month since my last blog post and I am ready to dive back in. Freddy is officially moved home with us in AZ now and being that he had a whole month off to spend with us, I only thought it fitting to take some time off and spend some much needed time with the family before he returned to work. Sometimes family time just needs to take precedence and being that my blog is primarily written for fun and not a steady stream of income at this time compared to some, it made since. With that said, it’s my favorite time of year! ‘SWEATER WEATHER!’ And I can’t even tell you how excited that makes me! I’m not one for showing skin really and the idea of cozy layers just makes me feel all warm and cozy inside, probably because I grew up in one of the coldest places in the U.S. haha. So I’m rounding up some of my favorite picks for the new fall season and will be posting another with my favorite fall boots because if you could see my closet you’d be amazed at the over abundance of these items considering I now officially live in the desert! Hehe

Won’t Break the Bank:

Splurge Worthy:

All splurge worthy sweaters are made of Cashmere and if you haven’t felt or worn a cashmere sweater do it now! You will live in it’s buttery soft texture.

Happy Shopping!

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