38 Weeks Pregnant

Pregnancy Update: 38 Weeks

Sitting around today and realized I needed to document these last few days with my bump. I’ve been complaining more than enjoying it because the end of pregnancy is rough. Bending over hurts, insomnia has taken over, I can’t see my legs to shave them (or anywhere else for that matter…) and I feel like there is a ton of bricks on my lungs sometimes, lol…BUT, I came to the realization today that this is my very last bump….and not gonna lie, I began to cry.

Whether it be hormones or what have you, just knowing that this will be the last time I feel a baby move in me, watch my body change and grow to accommodate for another so meticulously, smell that newborn scent that’s all yours, and feed and nourish another baby with my own body is just heartbreaking in a way. Time with your babies can sometimes seem to last forever when your exhausted in the middle of the night only to wake up three years later and think, “wait now I’m on my third??” Where did all the time go? 

38 Weeks Pregnant 38 Weeks Pregnant

Each child brings on new beginnings, new schedules, new adventures and sometimes the fast transition of having another child can really throw you for a loop. That and the fact that nine months of developed hormones are about to dip drastically is challenging in itself. I’m a little scared, feel a little underprepared no matter what I get ready, and of course excited all at once. There have been days when I’m at my whit’s end with the girls already and think…”how the heck am I gonna do this with another kid…HOW?” But if I know one thing is for sure it’s that you always seem to just find and develop a way. God gives you strength and every so often a good nights rest 😛 lol.

38 Weeks Pregnant

So Here’s the Update:

HOW FAR ALONG: Officially 38 weeks as of today. Next doctor appointment is tomorrow. Two weeks ago I was 2cm dilated but not sure how much effaced so we shall see if I’ve stayed the same or are making progress.

HER SIZE: Weighs about six pounds and about the size of a romaine lettuce head they say.

CRAVINGS: Still Peanut Butter, Coffee, Chocolate and sweets.

WEIGHT GAIN: Still weighing in at around 120 each check up (started out at 110 at first apt).

STRETCH MARKS: None that I can see right now! 🙂 Hoping I can keep it that way if she decides to hang on to the whole 40 weeks.

SLEEP: Very little, still awake at night around 3 or 4 to snack and insomnia then sets in. Preparing me for her arrival I presume.

PREGNANCY SYMPTOMS: Still about the same as my 32 week update…baby feels HEAVY, shortness of breath at times, and become tired easily. Lifting and bending over have become extremely challanging lol.

HER MOVEMENT: Moves around all day it seems. Likes to stick to the right side of my body and is now pushing feet into my ribs if she’s in an uncomfortable position.

NAME: We shall soon find out 🙂


38 Weeks Pregnant

38 Weeks Pregnant 38 Weeks Pregnant

Shae was at school when I had the time to take these or I would have had her in them as well, but I think it’s bitter sweet with Siena considering my baby won’t be “the baby” for much longer.


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