28 Weeks: Third Trimester Here We Come

I know everyone says this but…. WHERE DID THE TIME GO?

28 Weeks already!?

It’s crazy how fast it went, yet still at times it seems to go sooo sloowww, lol. 

28 Weeks Pregnant

28 Weeks Pregnant

Ok, Few Things to Remember For You Baby Girl:
  1. The Braxton Hicks contractions this time around have been CRAZY! The other night I literally thought I was gonna have this baby and was kind of freaking out! After a warm shower and some probably much needed water you settled down.
  2. You have me craving peanut butter with chocolate chips, pickles, sweets, and coffee almost all day everyday.
  3. Your sisters already adore you and give you so many kisses.
  4. I’ve only gained 5 pounds so far but feel like I am huge!
  5. You become most active at nights around 9pm.
  6. We won’t name you until your born so we can see your darling face to decide, but we know for sure we are going to stick with an “S” name.

This has definitely been the hardest pregnancy for me to adjust to considering ONE, it will be our last, and TWO, I’m about to have three kids in THREE years! Wowza!

Non-the-less, we can’t wait to have a third bundle of joy to love on. But first things first, and that’s gonna be getting the nursery ready and upgrading our car size 😛

28 Weeks Pregnant

NOTE: I completely thought I looked so cute today for once in a blue-moon after combing my hair/doing makeup/ and putting on a cute sweater until I realized half way through the day I had my sweater on BACKWARDS the whole time!! Good grief, the mom brain is going strong.



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