fathers day gifting with braun

The Gift of a Good Shave! – Father’s Day Gifting With Braun

Father’s day is JUST around the corner! And I don’t know about you but I always find it so hard to come up with the perfect gift ideas! I’m typically a sentimental gift giver and love the idea of making something from the heart. BUT, sometimes spoiling your loved one with something extra special is just a necessity and this year I really wanted to spoil Freddy with something extra nice. So here’s what went down with a collaboration with @Braun_Us to make his day with a gift that he will use everyday, year round! AND 5 reasons why Freddy is seriously the best daddy to his Three Little Musketeers 🙂

This post sponsored by @Braun_Us. All opinions are our very own 🙂 See here for more.

One thing that you can always bet on being a good gift for a guy is an electric razor! Razor’s are NOT cheap and are a really big investment for guys if you want to get something reliable and Freddy has honestly been using the Braun Series 5 for almost three years now! So it was more than time for an upgrade to the Braun Series 7. fathers day gifting with braun

This razor is super sleek with an ergonomic shape, comes with a carry case, and dock station that literally self cleanse the razor itself! We love that it’s portable and if he needs to he can literally take it with him in the car and shave quick before work.

As part of the Marine Corps, Freddy is required to have his face clean shaved all week long! And using a razor everyday would take up so much of his morning routine. Not to mention fighting some serious razor burn! That’s why the Braun electric razor is perfect for him. Heck, even I attempt to use it every once in awhile when I’m in a rush! By attempt I mean if I don’t get caught using it, 😛 haha.

The reason he likes this one the best compared to others so far has been it’s portability and super close shaving capabilities. He also is able to avoid razor burn which can be a big pain for someone who has to shave so often.

fathers day gifting with braun

For a limited time you can get the @Braun_Us razor at

Target who is running a $30 off promo for Father’s Day! 

5 Ways Freddy Proves He’s an Amazing Dad
  1. He works so hard to provide for us day in and out! Freddy works six days a week typically M-F from 8am – 8pm and Saturday’s 8-5. His hours are demanding and his job is fast paced and stressful. But all his hard work and long hours allows me to stay at home with the girls and get them to all their school events and activities.
  2. He makes time for us during the day to meet us for appointments and events for the girls.
  3. Rarely does the man ever go out and about. He chooses to spend what little free time he gets with his favorite girls and never complains about needed “alone time” for himself.fathers day gifting with braun
  4. Even though he had a harder upbringing than most, he doesn’t let that affect the way he is with his girls and if anything strives to be the best version of a father that he can be with the cards he was dealt.
  5. He still makes time for me! I think that is truly sooo important for a relationship to stay strong for their children. And he does try hard to keep the balance between giving his attention to our girls and then spending quality time together. fathers day gifting with braun

Happy Father’s Day to all the father figures out their that make such a difference in so many lives each and everyday!

We love you Freddy :-*

*Thanks again to @Braun_Us for Sponsoring this post with us! Don’t forget you can get $30 off the Braun Series 7 this father’s day right here! 


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  1. What a beautiful post! We have three girls as well, so I know how special girl dads are.