Siena Turns Eight Months
Hard to believe in just a few months we will be celebrating this ones 1st birthday. She is a peach I tell ya. Always happy, smiling, cooing and now-a-days crawling everywhere! She already is pulling herself up to stand and prefers to sit on her legs in a kneeling position than on her bum. We are still working on the waking up two times a night thing and getting her to eat solids as she for some reason thinks she should stick her tongue out and taste rather than open her mouth lol. Every time we skype her daddy on the phone she gets the biggest smile and crawls right over to wherever I am to see. It’s amazing that she can even recognize the sound of his voice considering she was only four months old when he left for his deployment! She is truly amazing I tell ya, and we are soo very happy to watch her grow.
Stop growing so fast my baby!
So sweet. I couldn’t believe it when my daughter turned one! Enjoy every minute 🙂