Pregnancy Update: 32 Weeks

A Little Update on Baby Girl’s Growth Thus Far!

HOW FAR ALONG: 32 Weeks and 5 Days. I have another appointment coming up this week and pretty soon I will start having my weekly ‘stress tests’ since I am now considered at a higher risk with Gestational Diabetes.

HER SIZE: She is now around three pounds and approximately the size of a jicama!

CRAVINGS: PEANUT BUTTER with chocolate chips all day. Also, anything sweet such as ice cream and cookies. Not so much fruit or veggies sadly, though I do devour strawberries quite often in place of those things. And also coffee! I crave it first thing in the morning, in the middle of the afternoon, and especially at night! I probably only drink a cup total in a day though because I never finish it when I make it.

WEIGHT GAIN: Roughly 10 pounds. I started at around 110 and am going back and forth between the last two appointments between 118 and 120. I think a big factor in the slow weight gain has been the fact that I really have to watch what I eat. I’d love to just devour a whole cake at this point but my sugar would probably skyrocket through the roof! 😛 I feel so huge even though friends and family tell me I’ve been so little for eight months.

STRETCH MARKS: No stretch marks so far either! But I do have the linea nigra line which I also had with Shae (but not Siena), so crazy. I body brush often, TRY to drink a lot of water (key word try, I’m so bad at this), and put on my belly balm and rose hip oil after every shower, and sometimes at night, my stomach feels very tight. You can check out my stretch mark routine here.

SLEEP: Sometimes I can sleep through the night, other nights I wake up at 2 AM starving! Searching through the pantry for whatever I can eat in a ravenous rage and then I become stuck on Pinterest or IG for a couple of hours leaving me unable to get back to sleep, haha.

PREGNANCY SYMPTOMS: Just starting to feel my belly get “heavy” at the end of the day. It becomes hard to walk and bend over. I also get tired very easily and though some days I feel like I could hike a mountain, I know I would probably get about 20 feet and think to myself…”why would you even think this was a good idea?!” Lol. Also, I do wake up suddenly at night quite often with leg cramps! But the key I find is to hop out of bed AS FAST as possible and STAND on the leg or walk a bit and get some water.

HER MOVEMENT: She moves what seems like all day! It’s to the point now where it can hurt when she pushes her little hands and feet in certain spots. She is very active at night and at my last checkup she still wasn’t head down yet, but she has a few more weeks to turn.

NAMES: We still haven’t come up with a solid name list quite yet. But we do have a few. I mentioned before that we won’t name her until after she is born and we can see her, but we will have this list ready to decide from. Right now we just call her ‘baby girl’ or ‘sissy’ the girls will say.

32 Weeks Pregnant

So that’s about it! I feel very fortunate for a healthy pregnancy thus far aside from the GD, and am still coming to grips with the emotions that this will be my last baby. So I’m trying to savor all these belly movements, little hiccups in there, and just the beautiful way that our bodies can develop and grow these precious gifts.


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