March Recap

We have officially rolled into April but I wanted to recap some of our events of March. I like looking back on these monthly highlights to see the changes that have occurred 🙂 So here are a few things that happened this past month:

    1. We finally had to say goodbye to our Subaru and upgraded (in size) to a Nissan Armada Platinum. It was a sad day for us as I’ve mentioned before because we really loved our car. You know those Subaru commercials where they tell the story of how the car grows with you over the years and as the dad is cleaning it out getting it ready to pass down to his daughter all the memories begin flooding in…ya that was us the day we had to trade her in. It’s funny because most people are ecstatic about getting a new car but we were over here holding it off until the last minute! We are gonna miss that car soo much! If you ever want to get a mid-size SUV the Subaru Outback is the one I tell ya. But anyways getting used to driving a big ol’ boat hasn’t been easy 😛 but the extra room already has been soooo nice! We’ve been able to pick up some new furniture in it already for the girls room which has been amazing as that was one of the things holding us back before from updating their rooms! Below is a lil video of the memories we made in our first car I wanted to save to remember 🙂

Family Memories – The Subaru from AnnMarie on Vimeo.

  1. we have FINALLY began finishing up the girls’ room and the nursery. For the longest time the girls’ were sleeping in room with just two beds!! No dressers, nothing (besides their big mess of toys :-P) and so now I finally can put their clothes away without having their pills stacked in my room our in the den…LOL. As you know I’m a big thrift shopper and I scored three big sized dressers for under $300 bucks! One from IKEA for $100, one from the goodwill believe it our not for $40 which was practically BRAND NEW! And another for $60 which I plan on redoing. I’ll probably document those steps on here too.
  2. UM…this should probably be #1 but it’s BABY MONTH!!! I procrastinated soooo many things in getting ready for this baby so I can’t believe the time is just about here and I have yet to finish her room, pack our hospital bags or get a car seat! (I do plan on getting the car seat today though lol). Also we are struggling with middle names so it’ been a challenge coming up with ideas that match the names we like so far. We are so excited to meet her though and as of this week I am officially 37 weeks! I had both the girls at 38 weeks so we shall see if she’s just like them or decides to be fashionably late.
  3. We spent Easter this year with both of our families in Florence. Freddy’s family lives about 15 minutes away from my family so it works out great to spend holidays with half the day with his and half the day with mine! These were the only pictures we really got this year because we were so busy driving around 😛
  4. When the baby comes my family plans on coming down to visit quick from MN and I can’t WAIT! My dad and my three brothers still live there (I’m a born and raised farm girl from MN in case you didn’t know) and have been real home sick lately. So I can’t wait for them to come spend a bit of time with us and just chill around the house as I’m sure we won’t be getting out and about much for a couple of months 😛
  5. Been kind of MIA from the blog and Instagram as I prepare for the baby. I have done everything fashionably late per usual so now I feel like I’m playing catch up because I want so many things completed before she comes! Including a CLEAN house which seems impossible with two kids running around messing it up every chance they get lol. I know they have no clue but at this point simply thinking about bending over is just down right frustrating haha!
  6. As many may have seen me post on my stories…I kinda have a small obsession with the nursery chair that I picked out for baby girls room and it’s because it’s the FOCAL point and THEME of her nursery. I want to mix a very vintage yet bohemian style vibe together and when I saw that chair it was just love at first sight!! You ever get that way about something and just can’t get it off your mind? I originally saw her on offer up (yes I call the chair a her :-P), kept looking for a bit, went and saw it, came home to think on it and then was like that’s it…I can’t not get her she’s calling my name! LOL. So here she is in all her beautiful glory ready to be loved. I didn’t end up getting a rocking chair because we have one in our room where she will be for the first couple months anyways so it will be the perfect nursing/reading chair when she does transition into her room ;) 
  7. Tomorrow I am having a “diaper party” in place of a baby shower this time and am super excited about it! If there is one thing you can never have enough of with babies their first year it’s DIAPERS!
That’s about the extent of our excitement we had for this month!

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