Shlya Turns 6 Months

Our baby girl is officially six months old and I seriously cannot believe where that time went! I know everyone always says that but just yesterday I was bringing her 5lb 11oz self home from the hospital, ya know? Seriously though, our last little peanut has brought so much joy to our family in only half a year I can hardly remember life without her. 


She still can’t quite roll over well…I’ve never seen a baby hate tummy time more!

We had her fitted for a potential helmet as she kinda developed a flat head but we ultimately decided against it after rotating her sleeping positions and noticing so much improvement.

She LOVES to talk and blow bubbles!

She just began eating “chow” and absolutely loves it! This girl can put it down!

LOVES her sisters so much! Her whole face lights up when she see’s them first thing in the morning 🙂

We got her ears pierced at five months and it is adorable on her!

In size 2 diapers and weighs about 15 lbs

Only eats about 3oz of formula/breast milk at a feeding! That’s not much for a six month old. But she’s thriving!

Shy’s adorable Romper Outfit is By JHANA THREADS. If your looking for beautiful one of a kind rompers/turbans/custom pieces you will love this shop! The quality is impeccable.

We love you peanut :-*


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