10 things that may help soothe your anxiety

10 Things That Just May Help Soothe Your Anxiety

After battling with severe anxiety for much of my adult life, I’ve been able to come across some products/services that have really helped! And if they can work for me (someone who’s had panic attacks and anxiety for years, I’m telling you) I believe they can also help YOU soothe your anxiety! With nearly 20% of Americans suffering various forms of anxiety, it is considered to be the largest neurological disorder in the United States. I’ve written about my journey with anxiety a couple of times on here, most recently with my postpartum anxiety struggle which you can read about here: 

Postpartum Anxiety & Panic

If your struggling with bouts of anxiety and panic attacks just regularly or currently through your postpartum journey, these things if anything else, are at least worth the try, especially if your trying to avoid medication. So, here are the 12 things I’ve used that have helped my anxiety and that may help you soothe your anxiety symptoms as well! 

We hope you love the products we recommend that we have found success with! Just so you know, we may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page at no cost to you. You can read more on our disclosure here. 

1. A Weighted Blanket! People swear by these when it comes to relieving anxiety, especially at night, and for good reason! Though pricey, this investment may just change your life! 

This weighted blanket just might save your late night anxiety and help you sleep through the night! Read for 9 more tips to sooth your anxiety.


Sleeping with this blanket feels like one big hug! I heard someone say once, “it’s like Advil PM for your entire body,” and it’s so true! Weighted blankets simulates the feeling of being held or hugged helping you to soothe your anxiety to fall asleep faster and relieve stress. In fact, did you know that weighted blankets are often used in sleep therapy for both kids and adults with anxiety, those with autism, ADHD, or insomnia? The duvet cover (must purchase separately) is removable for washing and instead of pellets this one is filled with glass beads. The proper weight distributions according to your weight is important, so make sure you read the description sizes and weights. (10% of your body weight +1 is ideal) but I think a little more weight helps. 

Get if from Amazon from $69.50 (various colors and weight options available). 

2. Lemon Balm Tea! This tea is more calming than chamomile and I recommend it to everyone I know! 

amazon.comThis lemon balm tea just might save you from daily anxiety and help you sleep through the night! Read for 9 more tips to sooth your anxiety.

I came across this tea when I was pregnant with my first child and had to try something outside of medication for anxiety for the first time. It works within FIFTEEN minutes. The best thing about the Traditional Medicinals brand too is that they are committed to using pharmacopoeial grade herbs. Their herbs go through a minimum of nine rounds of rigorous testing before they make it to your tea bag so you know your getting the highest quality. (and remember, not all tea bags are created the same). 

Promising Review:I tried Zoloft AND Lexapro while having such severe anxiety while 24 weeks pregnant with my second child and swear I got every side effect in the book! My anxiety intentified immediately. After my friend said I should try the lemon balm tea it was the ONLY thing that gave me instant relief without the side effects, and never in a million years did I think a TEA would help.” – Emily

Get it from Amazon in a pack of two for $12.49

3. Light Therapy! Or if you can…just GET SOME SUN! 

Light therapy might help you with daily anxiety! Read for 9 more tips to sooth your anxiety.


Light therapy is typically used for those who have SAD (seasonal affective disorder), but research is starting to suggest that light therapy may be of great benefit to those with anxiety. Ever sit in the sun and suddenly feel that tingling sensation as the sun beats down on your face and warms your entire body? That’s kinda the idea with light therapy, especially when getting out in the sun isn’t always an option. Light therapy is shown to work by affecting brain chemicals linked to mood and sleep that help soothe your anxiety and depression symptoms. Just go ahead and read all the positive reviews!

Get it from Amazon for $79.92

4. Omega 3 has long been emphasized for it’s ability to help anxiety and depression with it’s anti-inflammatory benefits.

Omega 3 has long been emphasized for its benefits on treating anxiety. Click here to learn of 9 more options that may help soothe your anxiety symptoms.


This isn’t an overnight/ instant fix. Taking OMEGA-3 daily is the key. According to Psychology Today “when the levels of omega-3 fatty acids are low in the brain, increased neuro-inflammation and continual disruption of signaling between nerves occurs.”  If your not getting enough of this supplement in your diet you should be supplementing with vitamins to help alleviate symptoms of anxiety. Most health officials say 250-500mg of combined EPA and DHA is enough for optimal health but studies have shown that high doses can help with anxiety symptoms over time. The FDA has claimed that the use of omega-3s from supplements is safe if doses do not exceed 3,000 mg per day. So as always, consult with your doctor on the correct dosage for you. Personally, I take anywhere from 600-1500mg depending on whether or not I ate foods containing omega-3 throughout the day. 

Get it from Amazon from $32.95.

5. EXERCISE. Ok this really is a no brainer, but getting in at least 10-15minutes of physical activity that raises your heart rate is beneficial for anxiety sufferers. With so many programs available it’s all about time management when getting your daily workout in and not the cost. Take for instance EFFORTLESS workout guides & meal plan, they are literally $1 !!! 

10 Things That May Help Soothe Your Anxiety


Her plan is pretty incredible and I don’t understand why it’s so cheap but it works! Kayla Itsines is another one with a great workout plan and you can purchase her official app on iTunes to workout with you step-by-step if you need to be held more accountable. 

Get the EFFORTLYSS guide here for $1.00

6. Bullet Journaling. One thing that always seems to help anxiety is making sure your organized, and that can include your thoughts! Journaling with bullet journaling is unique because of they way the pages are laid out with bullet points! 

10 Things That May Help Soothe Your Anxiety


Bullet journaling is an art in itself..kind of like coloring for adult books, but here you are journaling your thoughts and are able to write them down in a unique way. Check out this  neat video for a reference. 

Get this journal from Amazon from $8.95

7. EFT Tapping may make you scratch your head and say, “huh” but let me explain. EFT tapping is a form of psychological acupressure thats used to treat a wide range of emotional and physical problems including…anxiety! Check out this video below! 

Wanderlust on YouTube

After trying these tapping techniques I’ve been able to gain control over several panic attacks. This does take some practice. So try this often and really hone into your feelings when following the video techniques. To read a little more about EFT tapping to help soothe your anxiety, read this great article by theheartysoul.com

8. Stress Manager by Herb Pharm is like Xanax in a bottle. Not sure how it does it, but taking this literally feels like taking a “chill pill.” 

amazon.com10 Things that may help Soothe your Anxiety

Tbh…this has saved me several times now. The whole Herb Pharm line is really worth looking into. I’ve also tried their lemon balm blend as well and though I like it in addition to my lemon balm tea, there is something about this mixture that just takes the edge off. I hope it works for you as well as it’s worked for me and others I know. 

Get it from Amazon from $11.59

9. Magnesium Oil Spray. We all know that magnesium is a vital nutrient and symptoms of deficiencies can cause stress, anxiety, and depression in the body. The best part about using magnesium oil spray on your skin vs. supplements, is your body will absorb as much as it needs and you don’t have to worry about “taking to much.” 12 Things that may help Soothe your Anxiety


Magnesium’s anti-inflammatory benefits are powerful. What makes this version extra special is it bypasses the GI tract to go straight through your skin (our largest organ mind you). Take it with calcium or fat such as olive oil or avocados for ultimate absorption. This again, is something that you should add into your daily routine. I put this on at night for about 20 minutes on my legs, arms and torso to let it absorb before I hop in the shower to wash off (per directions, because it is a tad bit sticky). A whole bottle lasts along time! 

Get it from Amazon from $18.97

10. Matcha Tea! Swapping your daily coffee fix for a matcha fix may help you more than you know if your sensitive to caffeine but just can’t give up your precious morning cup of jo! But if coffee gives you the jitters this might just be the perfect solution to still get that needed energy minus the crash or a caffeine buzz. 

10 things that may help soothe your anxiety


I’m a HUGE coffee lover. I love the taste mostly and crave it first thing in the morning without fail. But I won’t deny that just a little gives-me-anxiety. Recently I tried to the whole Bulletproof recipe (which I defiantly recommend trying as well) to try and calm the caffeine jitters and though it did help, matcha has been a better alternative to minimize the crash that soon follows with anxiety. Also, there are some crazy health benefits to it which you can read about here. My favorite way to make it:

 Steam 6 oz of almond milk

Stir in 1 tsp organic matcha powder

Stevia to taste 

Get the organic blend from Amazon from $9.95.

Now Go on & Empty Your Mind 🙂

via giphy



10 things that may help soothe your anxiety


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  1. I’ve considered getting a SAD light for my desk but never did because they were so big. From your link it looks like they’ve made them smaller though – that’s great news!